Home School Coaching

Have you thought about home schooling?

Did you know that here in Australia approximately over 31,437 people are registered for homeschooling? And since 2019 homeschooling registrations have risen to over 31%. Also did you know that homeschooling kids score above average on test results than kids attending formation education? But why do parents choose to home-school their children? There are many reasons, some are due to lifestyle choices, disabilities and limited options, sometimes it can be for special educational needs, religion, bullying or philosophical reasons or sometimes they feel that the education and support provided at school is lacking. 

Being a teacher for over 25 years many times I have experienced parents wanting to home school their kids but lacked the confidence and were not sure about how to go about it, if home education is something that you would like to consider that is something I can help you with. 

Coaching you with home schooling

Homeschooling is a full-time job and you do need lots of support to get you started in preparing the structure and layout of the learning style for your child. Making a solid foundation is vital to the success of teaching your child at home. Developing healthy learning habits and mapping out learning goals is also key to your success and something that I help you with.          

Benefits of teaching your child


Mapping out your child's success

Stage 1:  Home Visit:

This is an in-home visit where I meet with you and your child/children and learn a little about your family lifestyle this allows me to make recommendations on implementing a new routine into your family lifestyle, learning objectives, study/learning area. time schedules

  • I assist you with completing registration forms for the education department to apply for an exemption
  • Upon assessing your child I craft a curriculum specific to the needs and interests of your child based on the school curriculum. This curriculum is for the duration of the school year based on the following subjects:
    • english
    • maths
    • science
    • arts
    • health
  • I provide support in setting up a study/learning area with teaching aids such as educational charts, diagrams, motivational quotes to inspire and keep your child focused
  • We also implement weekly learning goals and learning outcomes for the term
  • We discuss minimum legal requirements for homeschooling such as hours and benchmarks 
  • I also guide you on tracking to accomplish school benchmarks and percentiles scores for the year 

Stage 2:  Follow up:

After the first week, I contact you by phone to review how your first week went homeschooling your child.  Here we discuss any issues or learning objectives that may need to be addressed and learning goals that may need to be modified or any learning gaps that you may have identified and may need further attention.  

Ongoing support:

Knowing that you are moving in the right direction with your child’s learning makes a big difference in your confidence and theirs. That is why throughout the year at the beginning of the term and end of term I will contact you via email or phone to see how your children is tracking and making progress in their learning. 

Investing in your child’s education makes a big difference to their world of learning – with parent-school coaching that is what I am to do, support you and your child in their learning and development.